example better than

Sabtu, 22 November 2014

    betterhan Sentence

It seemed there was nothing he couldn't do better than her, and he was always taking command of things.
He thinks you are better than us. 
More than likely his persistence had roots in the need to dominate her.
"Second," Katie cut in, "His father's family has been in this country longer than yours."
But I guess if we have, it's no worse than having a child out of wedlock.
The unknown can be worse than reality, and she had no idea what to expect on the fligh 
To him, it was no different than artificially inseminating a cow at his clinic... well, the concept wasn't.
Probably no more than he did when Destiny was born.
Alex had been hiding more than a father


Kamis, 20 November 2014

Penggunaan Modal Auxiliary

Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penggunaan modal auxiliary;
  1. Dalam sebuah kalimat tidak boleh ada dua buah modal auxiliary. Kalau Anda dihadapkan dengan 2 buah modals (Dalam bahasa Indonesia, misalnya, "saya harus bisa ..." maka modals yang kedua, harus diubah ke bentuk lain yang mempunyai arti yang sama.
  2. Kata Kerja sesudah modal auxiliary harus bentuk pertama.
  3. Modal akan selalu sama bentuknya dan tidak berubah apapun subjeknya. Misalnya can yang bisa digunakan untuk semua subjek dan tidak berubah apapun subjeknya.



Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge. Typically, it encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model, phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques

research methodologi

The Objective of this course to pay attention to the most important dimension of Research i.e. Research Methodology. It will enable the Researchers to develop the most appropriate methodology for their Research Studies. The mission of the course is to impart research skills to the beginners and help improve the quality of Research by the existing researchers.

The Course Structure is designed in a way that the learning of Research Methodology can move from Mugging up syndrome to fun-practical method; from a teaching process to an experimental process, from memorizing to brainstorming, from clearing the examination to feedback learning, from knowledge transfer to knowledge creation, from competitive learning to collaborative learning. 

The Participants of the Course will start the course by reading the provided literature at the end of the course they will find themselves equipped enough to author a book or two themselves.

chicken kebabs

2) How to Make Chicken Kebabs


400 grams of chicken thigh fillets and cut into the box into the average pieces
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
4 tablespoons of hoisin sauce
2 tablespoons of margarine and has been melted
1 teaspoon of pepper powder
1 teaspoon of salt
5 leeks and cut into 3 cm

sentence pasif

  1.  The door cannot be opened. (Pintu itu tidak bisa dibuka.)
  2. Twice a day, the house is cleaned by Clara. (Dua kali sehari, rumah dibersihkan oleh Clara.)
  3. Wait for a while, the message is being written by Kent. (Tunggu sebentar, pesannya sedang ditulis oleh Kent.)


Penggunaan preposisi “With”, “Over”, dan “By”


Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kebersamaan atau terlibat di dalam sesuatu:
I ordered a sandwich with a drink.
He was with his friend when he saw me.
She has been working with her sister at the nail shop.
The manager will be with you shortly.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan “memiliki”:
I met a guy with green eyes.
Were you the one talking with an accent?
People with a lot of money are not always happy.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan “menggunakan”:
I wrote a letter with the pen you gave me.
This is the soup that I made with rice and barley.
He cut my hair with his gold scissors.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan perasaan:
I am emailing you with my sincere apology.
He came to the front stage with confidence.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kesepakatan atau pemahaman:
Are you with me?
Yes, I am completely with you.
She agrees with me.


Digunakan untuk menunjukkan perpindahan dari satu tempat ke tempat lain:
Come over to my house for dinner sometime.
Could you roll over?
They sent over a gift for his promotion.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan gerakan ke bawah:
The big tree fell over on the road.
Can you bend over and get the dish for me?
He pushed it over the edge.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan lebih dari jumlah yang diharapkan atau jumlah:
This amount is over our prediction.
Kids twelve and over can watch this movie.
The phone rang for over a minute.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu periode waktu:
I worked there over a year.
She did not sleep there over this past month.


Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kedekatan:
Can I sit by you?
He was standing by me.
The post office is by the bank.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan orang yang melakukan sesuatu dalam kalimat pasif:
The microwave was fixed by the mechanic.
The flowers were delivered by a postman.
The branch office was closed by the head office.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu tindakan dengan tujuan tertentu:
You can pass the exam by preparing for it.
I expressed my feeling toward her by writing a letter.
She finally broke the record by pure effort.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan rata-rata atau metode:
Please send this package to Russia by airmail.
I came here by subway.

surat pribadi

Dear pandu

Hello my friend, How are you over there? I hope you and your family in good health, Amen. 
Good friends, before I apologize ya since you sent the last letter I had recently returned. Understandably, a minute examination. So I have to focus on learning. 
Oh yeah, Alam, later this month I'm going home my uncle. So really able to stop by your house, long time since I've been your house. Allow Lam! heheheheh. 
Simply get here first word from me, do not forget to reply to the letter and I'm your new phone number for easy contact. Take care of your health is always there.

Your Friend,

mariya rose

example speech

Selling human organ

The honorable Ms.Meutia Pebriani S.pd As Lecture and all my beloved friends
First of all, I would like to say thank for my good who give me the opportunity to say few words at this seminar,and  thank for prophet Muhammad saw who give me healt I would like to speak about with Selling Human Organ.
I would like to tell you abaut Sale of human organs is stil controversial. Some argue It is illegal to sell human organs for profit. if a human organ was given to us by nature, however, our bodies are ours, and we are free to experiment on it
You may not know that your acquaintances may have a body transplant. In 2000, 22 827 organs transplanted in the United States. The demand for transplants continues to increase. Patients on the waiting list for liver, heart and lung, or liver transplantation keep dying.

compound sentence

Compound Sentence

A compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator. The coordinators are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. (Helpful hint: The first letter of each of the coordinators spells FANBOYS.) Except for very short sentences, coordinators are always preceded by a comma. In the following compound sentences, subjects are in yellow, verbs are in green, and the coordinators and the commas that precede them are in red.

fungsi conjunction

 fungsi  Conjunction

Conjunction / kata sambung dalam bahasa inggris jenis ini berfungsi untuk menghubunkan antara induk kalimat dengan anak kalimat. Kata penghubung yang termasuk dalam tipe ini adalah:
Contoh conjunction dalam Kalimat
The girl who is reading a novel is my sister
I love that picture which can make me happy
The teacher knows where the students are hiding.
Mom doesn’t know why the washing machine is not working.
Dad knows how to fix a car
-Rob realized that it’s not his fault
-The wallet that is brought by him is gone.
Uncle Sam is gardening while Patsy takes a nap
I don’t know whether it’s right or wrong
I had locked the door before I left the house
Although, though
I have to attend the lectures although it’s going to rain
We have had in a relationship since in high school.
So that
-You are so beautiful that everybody’s attracted to you.
-Harry has to study hard so that he can pass the national exam
You have to wait until the bus comes.
-Coolie fell down the stairs as he tried to get down
I directly go to campus after taking a bath
As if
She talks  as if knowing everything
In order that
You need to smile in order that she likes you.
Gary called his girlfriend once he got a badnews
Beause of + (noun phrase)Because + (S+V)
-My roommate is screaming because of the sudden dark.
-She did not come today because she is sick.
You may sign the attendance list unless you come on time
I won’t give them a mercy if I were you.
You’d better find the solution soon than complaining.
As long as
You’re allowed to live here as long as you pay the monthly fee.

2. Coordinating Conjunction

phonetik dan phonologi

B. Relation between phonetics and phonology
1. Phonetics vs phonology
Phonetics  is deals with the production of speech sounds by humans, often without prior knowledge of the language being spoken. Phonology is about patterns of sounds, especially different patterns of sounds in different languages, or within each language, different patterns of sounds in different positions in word etc.

reading comprehension

Sabtu, 15 November 2014

Reading Comprehension and Working Memory in Learning-Disabled Readers: Is the Phonological Loop More Important Than the Executive System


This investigation explores the contribution of two working memory systems (the articulatory loop and the central executive) to the performance differences between learning-disabled (LD) and skilled readers. Performances of LD, chronological age (CA) matched, and reading level-matched children were compared on measures of phonological processing accuracy and speed (articulatory system), long-term memory (LTM) accuracy and speed, and executive processing. The results indicated that (a) LD readers were inferior on measures of articulatory, LTM, and executive processing; (b) LD readers were superior to RL readers on measures of executive processing, but were comparable to RL readers on measures of the articulatory and LTM system; (c) executive processing differences remained significant between LD and CA-matched children when measures of reading comprehension, articulatory processes, and LTM processes were partialed from the analysis; and (d) executive processing contributed significant variance to reading comprehension when measures of the articulatory and LTM systems were entered into a hierarchical regression model. In summary, LD readers experience constraints in the articulatory and LTM system, but constraints mediate only some of the influence of executive processing on reading comprehension. Further, LD readers suffer executive processing problems nonspecific to their reading comprehension problems.


  • working memory;
  • reading comprehension;
  • learning disabilities;
  • processing speed;
  • executive processing;
  • phonological processing
The author is thankful for the critical comments by Carole Lee, Kathy Wilson, Jeffrey Bisanz, and two anonymous reviewers of this journal on an earlier version of the manuscript. The author is particularly thankful to Marilyn Ransby, Joy Alexander, Ginger Berninger, Marshall Raskin, Stan Arbach, and Kelly Brennon, who played a role in the development of tasks, testing participants, coding data for analysis, and providing administrative assistance and/or made critical suggestions related to the project. Partial support for this study came from Peloy Endowment Funds—UCR.

reading comprehension

Children with Reading Comprehension Difficulties 

Children with specific reading comprehension difficulties were compared with control children on tests of language skill. The two groups performed at a similar level on tests requiring predominantly phonological skills, but the poor comprehenders performed less well on tests tapping semantic ability. Although the two groups were matched for decoding ability (as assessed by nonword reading), the poor comprehenders were worse at reading words with irregular spelling patterns and low-frequency words. These results show that despite having adequate phonological decoding skills, poor comprehenders have problems reading words that are typically read with support from semantics. These findings are related to connectionist models of reading development in which phonological and semantic processes interact.
this work was carried out with the support of Grant G9315019N from the Medical Research Council, Grant R000221708 from the Economic and Social Research Council, and Grant 048147 from The Wellcome Trust. We are most grateful to the staff and pupils at Westfield Junior School for their help and cooperation and to Ann McElligot and John Adams for their help with testing the children. We thank Karalyn Patterson for helpful discussion and three anonymous reviewers for their comments on an earlier version of this paper.

example better than


    betterhan Sentence

It seemed there was nothing he couldn't do better than her, and he was always taking command of things.
He thinks you are better than us. 
More than likely his persistence had roots in the need to dominate her.
"Second," Katie cut in, "His father's family has been in this country longer than yours."
But I guess if we have, it's no worse than having a child out of wedlock.
The unknown can be worse than reality, and she had no idea what to expect on the fligh 
To him, it was no different than artificially inseminating a cow at his clinic... well, the concept wasn't.
Probably no more than he did when Destiny was born.
Alex had been hiding more than a father



Penggunaan Modal Auxiliary

Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penggunaan modal auxiliary;
  1. Dalam sebuah kalimat tidak boleh ada dua buah modal auxiliary. Kalau Anda dihadapkan dengan 2 buah modals (Dalam bahasa Indonesia, misalnya, "saya harus bisa ..." maka modals yang kedua, harus diubah ke bentuk lain yang mempunyai arti yang sama.
  2. Kata Kerja sesudah modal auxiliary harus bentuk pertama.
  3. Modal akan selalu sama bentuknya dan tidak berubah apapun subjeknya. Misalnya can yang bisa digunakan untuk semua subjek dan tidak berubah apapun subjeknya.




Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch of knowledge. Typically, it encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model, phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques

research methodologi


The Objective of this course to pay attention to the most important dimension of Research i.e. Research Methodology. It will enable the Researchers to develop the most appropriate methodology for their Research Studies. The mission of the course is to impart research skills to the beginners and help improve the quality of Research by the existing researchers.

The Course Structure is designed in a way that the learning of Research Methodology can move from Mugging up syndrome to fun-practical method; from a teaching process to an experimental process, from memorizing to brainstorming, from clearing the examination to feedback learning, from knowledge transfer to knowledge creation, from competitive learning to collaborative learning. 

The Participants of the Course will start the course by reading the provided literature at the end of the course they will find themselves equipped enough to author a book or two themselves.

chicken kebabs


2) How to Make Chicken Kebabs


400 grams of chicken thigh fillets and cut into the box into the average pieces
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
4 tablespoons of hoisin sauce
2 tablespoons of margarine and has been melted
1 teaspoon of pepper powder
1 teaspoon of salt
5 leeks and cut into 3 cm

sentence pasif


  1.  The door cannot be opened. (Pintu itu tidak bisa dibuka.)
  2. Twice a day, the house is cleaned by Clara. (Dua kali sehari, rumah dibersihkan oleh Clara.)
  3. Wait for a while, the message is being written by Kent. (Tunggu sebentar, pesannya sedang ditulis oleh Kent.)



Penggunaan preposisi “With”, “Over”, dan “By”


Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kebersamaan atau terlibat di dalam sesuatu:
I ordered a sandwich with a drink.
He was with his friend when he saw me.
She has been working with her sister at the nail shop.
The manager will be with you shortly.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan “memiliki”:
I met a guy with green eyes.
Were you the one talking with an accent?
People with a lot of money are not always happy.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan “menggunakan”:
I wrote a letter with the pen you gave me.
This is the soup that I made with rice and barley.
He cut my hair with his gold scissors.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan perasaan:
I am emailing you with my sincere apology.
He came to the front stage with confidence.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kesepakatan atau pemahaman:
Are you with me?
Yes, I am completely with you.
She agrees with me.


Digunakan untuk menunjukkan perpindahan dari satu tempat ke tempat lain:
Come over to my house for dinner sometime.
Could you roll over?
They sent over a gift for his promotion.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan gerakan ke bawah:
The big tree fell over on the road.
Can you bend over and get the dish for me?
He pushed it over the edge.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan lebih dari jumlah yang diharapkan atau jumlah:
This amount is over our prediction.
Kids twelve and over can watch this movie.
The phone rang for over a minute.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu periode waktu:
I worked there over a year.
She did not sleep there over this past month.


Digunakan untuk menunjukkan kedekatan:
Can I sit by you?
He was standing by me.
The post office is by the bank.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan orang yang melakukan sesuatu dalam kalimat pasif:
The microwave was fixed by the mechanic.
The flowers were delivered by a postman.
The branch office was closed by the head office.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu tindakan dengan tujuan tertentu:
You can pass the exam by preparing for it.
I expressed my feeling toward her by writing a letter.
She finally broke the record by pure effort.
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan rata-rata atau metode:
Please send this package to Russia by airmail.
I came here by subway.

surat pribadi


Dear pandu

Hello my friend, How are you over there? I hope you and your family in good health, Amen. 
Good friends, before I apologize ya since you sent the last letter I had recently returned. Understandably, a minute examination. So I have to focus on learning. 
Oh yeah, Alam, later this month I'm going home my uncle. So really able to stop by your house, long time since I've been your house. Allow Lam! heheheheh. 
Simply get here first word from me, do not forget to reply to the letter and I'm your new phone number for easy contact. Take care of your health is always there.

Your Friend,

mariya rose

example speech


Selling human organ

The honorable Ms.Meutia Pebriani S.pd As Lecture and all my beloved friends
First of all, I would like to say thank for my good who give me the opportunity to say few words at this seminar,and  thank for prophet Muhammad saw who give me healt I would like to speak about with Selling Human Organ.
I would like to tell you abaut Sale of human organs is stil controversial. Some argue It is illegal to sell human organs for profit. if a human organ was given to us by nature, however, our bodies are ours, and we are free to experiment on it
You may not know that your acquaintances may have a body transplant. In 2000, 22 827 organs transplanted in the United States. The demand for transplants continues to increase. Patients on the waiting list for liver, heart and lung, or liver transplantation keep dying.

compound sentence


Compound Sentence

A compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator. The coordinators are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. (Helpful hint: The first letter of each of the coordinators spells FANBOYS.) Except for very short sentences, coordinators are always preceded by a comma. In the following compound sentences, subjects are in yellow, verbs are in green, and the coordinators and the commas that precede them are in red.

fungsi conjunction


 fungsi  Conjunction

Conjunction / kata sambung dalam bahasa inggris jenis ini berfungsi untuk menghubunkan antara induk kalimat dengan anak kalimat. Kata penghubung yang termasuk dalam tipe ini adalah:
Contoh conjunction dalam Kalimat
The girl who is reading a novel is my sister
I love that picture which can make me happy
The teacher knows where the students are hiding.
Mom doesn’t know why the washing machine is not working.
Dad knows how to fix a car
-Rob realized that it’s not his fault
-The wallet that is brought by him is gone.
Uncle Sam is gardening while Patsy takes a nap
I don’t know whether it’s right or wrong
I had locked the door before I left the house
Although, though
I have to attend the lectures although it’s going to rain
We have had in a relationship since in high school.
So that
-You are so beautiful that everybody’s attracted to you.
-Harry has to study hard so that he can pass the national exam
You have to wait until the bus comes.
-Coolie fell down the stairs as he tried to get down
I directly go to campus after taking a bath
As if
She talks  as if knowing everything
In order that
You need to smile in order that she likes you.
Gary called his girlfriend once he got a badnews
Beause of + (noun phrase)Because + (S+V)
-My roommate is screaming because of the sudden dark.
-She did not come today because she is sick.
You may sign the attendance list unless you come on time
I won’t give them a mercy if I were you.
You’d better find the solution soon than complaining.
As long as
You’re allowed to live here as long as you pay the monthly fee.

2. Coordinating Conjunction

phonetik dan phonologi


B. Relation between phonetics and phonology
1. Phonetics vs phonology
Phonetics  is deals with the production of speech sounds by humans, often without prior knowledge of the language being spoken. Phonology is about patterns of sounds, especially different patterns of sounds in different languages, or within each language, different patterns of sounds in different positions in word etc.

reading comprehension


Reading Comprehension and Working Memory in Learning-Disabled Readers: Is the Phonological Loop More Important Than the Executive System


This investigation explores the contribution of two working memory systems (the articulatory loop and the central executive) to the performance differences between learning-disabled (LD) and skilled readers. Performances of LD, chronological age (CA) matched, and reading level-matched children were compared on measures of phonological processing accuracy and speed (articulatory system), long-term memory (LTM) accuracy and speed, and executive processing. The results indicated that (a) LD readers were inferior on measures of articulatory, LTM, and executive processing; (b) LD readers were superior to RL readers on measures of executive processing, but were comparable to RL readers on measures of the articulatory and LTM system; (c) executive processing differences remained significant between LD and CA-matched children when measures of reading comprehension, articulatory processes, and LTM processes were partialed from the analysis; and (d) executive processing contributed significant variance to reading comprehension when measures of the articulatory and LTM systems were entered into a hierarchical regression model. In summary, LD readers experience constraints in the articulatory and LTM system, but constraints mediate only some of the influence of executive processing on reading comprehension. Further, LD readers suffer executive processing problems nonspecific to their reading comprehension problems.


  • working memory;
  • reading comprehension;
  • learning disabilities;
  • processing speed;
  • executive processing;
  • phonological processing
The author is thankful for the critical comments by Carole Lee, Kathy Wilson, Jeffrey Bisanz, and two anonymous reviewers of this journal on an earlier version of the manuscript. The author is particularly thankful to Marilyn Ransby, Joy Alexander, Ginger Berninger, Marshall Raskin, Stan Arbach, and Kelly Brennon, who played a role in the development of tasks, testing participants, coding data for analysis, and providing administrative assistance and/or made critical suggestions related to the project. Partial support for this study came from Peloy Endowment Funds—UCR.

reading comprehension


Children with Reading Comprehension Difficulties 

Children with specific reading comprehension difficulties were compared with control children on tests of language skill. The two groups performed at a similar level on tests requiring predominantly phonological skills, but the poor comprehenders performed less well on tests tapping semantic ability. Although the two groups were matched for decoding ability (as assessed by nonword reading), the poor comprehenders were worse at reading words with irregular spelling patterns and low-frequency words. These results show that despite having adequate phonological decoding skills, poor comprehenders have problems reading words that are typically read with support from semantics. These findings are related to connectionist models of reading development in which phonological and semantic processes interact.
this work was carried out with the support of Grant G9315019N from the Medical Research Council, Grant R000221708 from the Economic and Social Research Council, and Grant 048147 from The Wellcome Trust. We are most grateful to the staff and pupils at Westfield Junior School for their help and cooperation and to Ann McElligot and John Adams for their help with testing the children. We thank Karalyn Patterson for helpful discussion and three anonymous reviewers for their comments on an earlier version of this paper.