example speech

Kamis, 20 November 2014

Selling human organ

The honorable Ms.Meutia Pebriani S.pd As Lecture and all my beloved friends
First of all, I would like to say thank for my good who give me the opportunity to say few words at this seminar,and  thank for prophet Muhammad saw who give me healt I would like to speak about with Selling Human Organ.
I would like to tell you abaut Sale of human organs is stil controversial. Some argue It is illegal to sell human organs for profit. if a human organ was given to us by nature, however, our bodies are ours, and we are free to experiment on it
You may not know that your acquaintances may have a body transplant. In 2000, 22 827 organs transplanted in the United States. The demand for transplants continues to increase. Patients on the waiting list for liver, heart and lung, or liver transplantation keep dying.

for example, to date, only the 500 patients who had undergone a kidney transplant in Indonesia.kidney donors in Indonesia are alive and very few in number compared to the needs. Most of the other patients apparently underwent a kidney transplant in China, because the number of donors and a lot of its relatively low cost. With a kidney transplant, according to data from the Transplant Center Directory world in 1992, long extension of life of patients reaching 29.9 years
Transplant may be the only chance for survival. For example, I need my organs and can pay for it. But I have to be on the waiting list, which can reduce my chances of survival. I will wait, knowing that I have a duty and obligation, hope to prolong life in this world
If forbidden to sell human organs, then it should be prohibited to use donor transplantation. But is it possible to stop medical progress? Sooner or later, people will open the door for transplantation sold legally.
thus, it is reasonable and rational, if government-me-the legal practice of buying and selling of organs, with a clear cut rule, where both buyer and seller that the maximum benefit. This human sacrifice must be legal and valued by the community
but most support the requirement that the seller organs give valid consent,and paid with sensible and equipped with adequate after surgery
some people think that selling organs should be legalized but others claim that it should not be done because the crime rate will rise and only the rich benefit from it. However, I believe that selling human organs is the right thing to do and should be legalized because it is important and essential for human life "number of people in need of organ donation is increasing in the world.

In conclution i would like to express that we need to think how
the great need of donor organs in our country. As someone who
religion we should help our fellow human beings until the end of our lives
to give, donate our organs when we
do not need it anymore
And then tank you a lot of your attention.

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example speech

Selling human organ

The honorable Ms.Meutia Pebriani S.pd As Lecture and all my beloved friends
First of all, I would like to say thank for my good who give me the opportunity to say few words at this seminar,and  thank for prophet Muhammad saw who give me healt I would like to speak about with Selling Human Organ.
I would like to tell you abaut Sale of human organs is stil controversial. Some argue It is illegal to sell human organs for profit. if a human organ was given to us by nature, however, our bodies are ours, and we are free to experiment on it
You may not know that your acquaintances may have a body transplant. In 2000, 22 827 organs transplanted in the United States. The demand for transplants continues to increase. Patients on the waiting list for liver, heart and lung, or liver transplantation keep dying.

for example, to date, only the 500 patients who had undergone a kidney transplant in Indonesia.kidney donors in Indonesia are alive and very few in number compared to the needs. Most of the other patients apparently underwent a kidney transplant in China, because the number of donors and a lot of its relatively low cost. With a kidney transplant, according to data from the Transplant Center Directory world in 1992, long extension of life of patients reaching 29.9 years
Transplant may be the only chance for survival. For example, I need my organs and can pay for it. But I have to be on the waiting list, which can reduce my chances of survival. I will wait, knowing that I have a duty and obligation, hope to prolong life in this world
If forbidden to sell human organs, then it should be prohibited to use donor transplantation. But is it possible to stop medical progress? Sooner or later, people will open the door for transplantation sold legally.
thus, it is reasonable and rational, if government-me-the legal practice of buying and selling of organs, with a clear cut rule, where both buyer and seller that the maximum benefit. This human sacrifice must be legal and valued by the community
but most support the requirement that the seller organs give valid consent,and paid with sensible and equipped with adequate after surgery
some people think that selling organs should be legalized but others claim that it should not be done because the crime rate will rise and only the rich benefit from it. However, I believe that selling human organs is the right thing to do and should be legalized because it is important and essential for human life "number of people in need of organ donation is increasing in the world.

In conclution i would like to express that we need to think how
the great need of donor organs in our country. As someone who
religion we should help our fellow human beings until the end of our lives
to give, donate our organs when we
do not need it anymore
And then tank you a lot of your attention.

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